Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In Case You Didn't Know, "Bad Romance" Is The Best Video of the Year

What do bearskin rug capes, ridiculously shaped Alexander McQueen shoes, sex trafficking, murder, the Russian mafia, and bath houses have in common?

Nothing, unless you are watching "Bad Romance", the latest music video from Lady Gaga.

The pop star unveiled the video for her latest single on her website today, after holding its release back one day. The anticipation wasn't for naught, because the video is, without a question, both her best and the best of the entire musical year.

The video features an "innocent" Gaga (hence the wide, anime-style eyes) being kidnapped by white-wearing people, forced to down vodka, and sold into sex slavery sponsored by the Russian mafia. She appears to get her bearings back in the end, as she sets her slavemaster's bed on fire.

With this stunning masterpiece, Gaga has proven herself to be the most creative artist in pop music today. It is the most visually stunning, thought-provoking, and innovate music video of the year, and it most likely ranks in the top 10 videos of the decade. The only other artist I can think of off the top of my head who delivered art like this is the godfather of music videos himself, Michael Jackson.

I cannot think of anyone better to follow in his footsteps.

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