Sunday, December 14, 2008

Battle Brewing Over Heath Ledger Golden Globe Acceptance hasn't even won the award yet!

According to the New York Daily News, there is a behind-the-scenes between the late Heath Ledger's family and Warner Bros. studio over who will accept the Best Supporting Actor award, should he win it.

While the family wants Kim Ledger, Heath's father, to receive the award, the studio wants ex-fiancee Michelle Williams to receive it in his daughter Matilda's honor.

A friend of the family told the newspaper that Michelle's attending "doesn't make sense", and that even director Christopher Nolan and co-star Christian Bale would be better recipients over her.

Well, first off, the man (may he rest in peace) hasn't even won the award yet! It's kind of ridiculous to fight over something that has a good possibility of not happening. If it does happen (which I do hope, since Ledger was brilliant as The Joker), I think that a joint receiving by Michelle and Kim would probably be the most appropriate since they both represent his family (Michelle for Matilda). Fighting over who would receive an award does nothing to honor his memory.

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