Friday, June 13, 2008

R.Kelly Is Acquitted Of All Charges in Child Porn Case

Hell, even if you have a video of you committing a crime, you can still get off scot-free!

R&B perv star R. Kelly has been acquitted of ALL 14 charges of child pornography this afternoon, despite VIDEO evidence to the contrary.

What's even more shocking than the verdit. According to, the jury BELIEVED it was him on the tape. The reason for acquittal? The victim Kelly's yellow stream of love refused to testify and cooperate, leading the jurors to call lack of evidence, preventing the rightful guilty verdict.

OK. If Michael Jackson's career had to suffer because of his trial (which had little to no evidence proving him guilty), then so does R. Kelly's. For god's sake, he was acquitted on a freakin' technicality! Don't get me wrong; R.Kelly has made some great music in the past, but this is just so stupid crap.

IF there is any justice, there will be no more "bump n' grind"in for the Pied Piper of R&B.

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