Friday, June 13, 2008

Katherine Heigl Labeled Ingrate In Emmy Battle

The drama never ends over at the Grey's Anatomy set!

Katherine Heigl is in hot water with the producers of the hit ABC series after making disparaging remarks about her character's role and the lack of quality material she receives.

When asked about her absence from the Emmy nomination list, she released a statement through publicist saying "I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination".

The remark has apparently infuriated the suits over at ABC. An insider at the show told EW that the studio worked hard to accommodate the star's burgeoning film schedule, and was stunned by the insinuation that the show gave her low-quality material. The insider went on to call her comments "an ungrateful slap in the face to the very writers responsible for her Emmy win in the first place."

Although Heigl is right about her character's direction (I did not like Izzie this year at all), it does appear pompous to criticize the show that put you on the map. She could've said it in a way that didn't make the show look bad. It seems like, now that she has had some movie success, she can begin talking slick about her steady job.

ABC proved with Isiah Washington that they aren't afraid to dump actors. I think Katherine Heigl should be careful. Let's not forget David Caruso/NYPD fiasco.

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