Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Download of the Day 6/28: Disturbia by Rihanna


Rihanna is officially the Queen of the Summer song.

Her biggest singles have always been released during the summer. "Pon De Replay" hit #2 during the summer of '05. Then the huge "SOS" became Rihanna's first chart-topper in '06. Then, let's not forget the behemoth that was "Umbrella" last year.

Well, summer has rolled around again. So, what song has the Queen delivered to her loyal subjects?

Ironically, "Disturbia" sounds like a song that should be played during Halloween parties (it probably will). The title alone denotes something sinister in the mix. The lyrics certainly don't lift that feeling. It sounds like Rihanna is in some kind of horror movie, completely with zombies and mind-control stuff. It's actually quite fun, and it only makes the mind wonder what the video will be like (graveyard? haunted house, maybe?). Even without the video, the song does exactly what happens to Rihanna in the song. The hook, the beat, and the bum-bum-bee-dum-bum-bum are all addictive and hypnotic, as if its goal is to drag you to the dance floor, against your will. Chances are, you won't be protesting too much.

While "Take A Bow" is just fine and all, Rihanna needs to realize that she excels in the dance-pop format, with songs like "Don't Stop The Music". You would think she would notice the pattern that her biggest hits (TAB excluded) were all upbeat summer smashes.

I expect Disturbia will follow suit.

Rating: 8.5/10

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