Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Amy Winehouse Tragedy

Today, the chronicles of Amy Winehouse had a new chapter added to it when her father revealed that his extremely talented daughter had developed emphysema, a serious, irreversible lung disease that makes breathing very difficult. The cause of the tragic illness? Amy's crack use.

Mitch Winehouse told UK newspaper the Sunday Mirror of Amy's serious health issues, revealing his daughter only had 70% lung capacity and that her lungs were "gunked up" because of her repeated drug use. The doctors she spoke to told her that if she continued with her lifestyle, she would be confined to a wheelchair with a permanent oxygen mask to facilitate her breathing. The other possibility would be death.

Death. If one word should affect the 24-year old more, it should be that one.

What's even more shocking is that just February, she seemed to be getting things on track. She was in rehab, she had fixed her teeth, and she performed via satelite from London at the Grammys, where she picked up 5 awards. The Amy many saw accepting Record of the Year was grateful and happy one, running into the arms of her background singers after announcement was made in LA. It made you think that Winehouse was finally ready to clean up her act and do what she did best; sing.

Yet, here she is. Struck with emphysema, it seems like the party could very well be over for Amy Winehouse. If she continues with the drugs and the smoking and the rest of her unexplainably self-destructive behavior, she could be dead by the end of the year, if not sooner. Like Marvin Gaye and Kurt Cobain before her, music would be robbed of someone who could've been a visionary.

However, its not necessarily the end. Amy Winehouse could finally clean up her act, and although she may not be the way she was, she would still at least be alive. Despite her heavy crack use, I believe Winehouse still has something to say about the world she lives in.

Let's just hope she'll live long enough to sing it.

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