Friday, June 20, 2008

Download of the Day 6/20: "Hot N Cold" by Katy Perry

Katy Perry may just be the best thing since Leona Lewis.

To follow up the success of her novelty single "I Kissed A Girl" (which is poised to go to #1 next week if Coldplay falls off the top), her presumed next single is this fun song, "Hot N Cold".

The song is about her boyfriend who is pretty much a jerk. He must be, if he can "PMS like a bitch", as she puts it. Her annoyance over her beau's fickle attitude is sung over synth beats, reminiscent of the 80's. The chorus is extremely bouncy, and the lyrics are catchy.

Katy Perry is the queen of fun pop. I love that she doesn't take herself too seriously, just having a good time. What's even better is that her songs are catchy without being juvenile or stupid (referencing homosexuality and menstruation in music takes some balls).

She is perfect for summer!

Rating: 8/10

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