Friday, May 2, 2008

Song Review: "Violet Hill" by Coldplay


I'm going to be honest: I am not a big fan of Coldplay.

Not to say that I hate them, but I have always been indifferent to the band. I do like the songs "Speed of Sound" and "Fix You", not enough to download them, but I respect their greatness.

Anyway, I heard about the release of their new single "Violet Hill" for free on their website. I decided to check it out to see if my indifference could be shifted.

I really, really like this song.

Chris Martin's voice is easily the most distinctive voice in music since Bono's. There's something about that I can't really identify that makes it near polarizing. It's like you HAVE to listen to the song. The song seems to be a pretty standard rock song with the electric guitar, but for someone reason, it sounds so electronic. I guess that is one of the things that set Coldplay apart. Its a really cool sound, something that I didn't expect to enjoy.

I'm not running out to pick up every Coldplay album ever released, but "Violet Hill" has definitely pushed me toward the fan side of the spectrum.

For those who haven't picked up the song, it will be free at until May 5th, where it will be released for pay.

RATING: 8/10

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