Friday, April 18, 2008

Download of the Day 4/18: Fergie's "Finally"

image So her first single was "London Bridge"?

I can forgive that misstep in musical taste for this surprising gem of a song. Although many won't admit it, Fergie is a genuinely good singer; better than many artists out there today. However, most of her songs tend to mask that truth. Save for "Big Girls Don't Cry", her singles are either really pop-ish or drenched in enough hip-hop beats to distract anyone from her voice. Those tactics are for the aformentioned artists. She doesn't need it.

Working with John Legend, the piano-driven ballad is definitely a welcome change from her usual style of music. In fact, its refreshing to hear music with a melody present (or at least recognizable). For that, Fergie should be lauded.

Then, there is her voice.

She is really a good singer. When she sings the soft parts of the song (like she did with Big Girls Don't Cry), its absolutely gorgeous. She does try to Mariah the song out toward the end, and although its nice, its unnecessary. As much as I love divas who can vocally jump through hoops, it would better suit her voice if she simply stuck to the melody. It would have been more affecting. That doesn't mean she doesn't have the chops. She just used them with the wrong song.

All in all, its a beautiful song that should be her 6th top 5 single from her 2006 album The Dutchess. Just typing it made me realize, if her album is still relevant 2 years after its release, then she really does have something.

RATING: 7.5/10

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