Monday, April 28, 2008

A Letter to Fortune Magazine: Why the HELL Would You Invite Spencer and Heidi to a White House Dinner???

Dear Fortune Magazine,

I am assuming that the White House Correspondents Dinner is very important event. An important event usually suggests that important people should be there. There are tons, TONS of people FAR more relevant to the entertainment industry than Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag from MTV's The Hills.

They are "reality TV" stars. They are certainly not movers and shakers in the television industry. Spencer is a prick and Heidi is a talentless hack who has no business making ANY kind of record at all. The world, or at least MTV, would be much better place without them. Yet, there they are, darkening an already bleak TV channel that used to be a tastemaker of pop culture. Now, they are attending an important White House dinner? What the hell?

From what I've heard, MSNBC wanted to invite them, but Spencer, thinking that he and Heidi are important celebrities, demanded both airfare AND hotel fees. They refused, and they pulled out. Does that mean, Fortune Magazine, you paid their way there? Why on earth would you waste your money? Why must you perpetuate this horrible stain on the face of pop culture? The Hills is one of the most mind-numbing programs out there, and to help promote it in the world of politics is borderline criminal.

Fortune Magazine, please, the next time the White House Correspondents Dinner comes around, please consider who you are inviting. Think about their impact on pop culture. Think about their relevance in the future, not just the fickle present. Finally, unless Tiffany "New York" Pollard becomes a senator, NEVER invite a reality show star to an important event again!

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