Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spotify Is Music's (Much Better) Netflix

Europe's biggest msuic service has launched, and it's spectacular!
Today, Spotify launched their critically lauded music streaming service in the United States, ending years of planning and speculation.

For those who have no clue what I am talking about, Spotify is a music streaming service that launched and became massive in Europe. Spotify allows you to pick and play from their 11 million track library (on par with iTunes) anytime, anywhere you want. The free version has limitations (20 hours a month, some ads), but there are two paid options that extend your abilities ranging from unlimited music playing to mobile device support.

I signed up for the $10 Premium service this morning, because I wanted to use Spotify on my iPhone. I have to say, after using it for five minutes (meaning I've only played one song), I can safely say it is absolutely the best media service I have used since Netflix, and its better too.

Frankly, the model is kind of brilliant, for me anyway. I am a terrible music hoarder, meaning I will get a song (we'll leave that as vague as possible), knowing that I probably won't like it in a few months, and then keep forever and a half. What Spotify does for me is let me listen to the song enough so that it gets out of my system, without ever having to buy and keep it, or delete it because of buyer's remorse. Honestly, a fourth of my iTunes library is music I don't necessarily need in my life on a regular basis. If I wanted to (but I probably won't), I could delete all of those songs and just Spotify them.

I consider myself a frugal (if I'm being completely honest, sometimes cheap) person, but I totally see the value of paying for Spotify. Being able to listen to every song I could want (all four major labels have signed on to the service) for $5 isn't a bad deal at all, and then being able to store them offline and listen on my iPhone for $5 extra is reasonable too ($3 would've been perfect). As the title suggests, it's the Netflix for music, except better.

Yesterday I was in the process of writing a response to Netflix's new pricing plan. Spotify's launch couldn't have been more perfect to highlight just how badly Netflix has screwed up. Spotify's pricing model makes you feel like you are gaining more value for paying more. As many people have pointed out before, the new $16 plan would've been easier to swallow if Netflix's streaming library was more robust. Spotify has every major artist available, while Netflix Watch Instantly is muddled with movies that barely pass B-level status. As for the pricing model, Spotify makes you feel like you are getting more bang for your bucks, while Netflix ultimately feels like a rip-off, especially as it makes people choose between two separate but equally iffy services.

I feel like the more time I spend with Spotify, the more I will consider re-ending my relationship with Netflix until they can keep up.

What do you think of Spotify and/or Netflix? Like the services? Hate them? Share your thoughts with me!

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