Thursday, April 29, 2010

Download of the Day 4/29: "Find Your Love" by Drake

Find Your Love
Drake shows his heart on second single "Find Your Love"
One of the biggest seals about Canadian rapper Drake was his ability to rap and sing well, which gave the option to sing his own hooks instead of relying others.

What we've never really encountered before was Drake singing a whole song. It's a huge risk, and considering the singing rappers of the past (Kanye particularly comes to mind), it could have been disastrous.

Luckily for us, and for Drake's future as the hosttest in the game, he actually has a voice. A pretty great voice.

Yesterday, Drake dropped "Find Your Love", the second single from his highly-anticipated debut album Thank Me Later. Kanye West produced the song, which is why it sounds like a lost track from 808s and Heartbreak. "Find Your Love" is a mid-tempo ballad, driven primarily by synthesized 808 drums and piano. Even with the weight of the drums kicking in halfway through, the song still has lighter, more melodic feel than we've heard from Drake before. That can be attributed to his strong vocal performance.

Drake may be known as a rapper foremost, but his singing voice is more than capable. In fact, it's surprising to hear exactly how good he sings on this song. The tone of his voice is almost silky-smooth, and the lyrical delivery showed both vulnerability and determination. He isn't hitting Usher-like notes or anything, but his vocal flows as freely as his rap verses. Again, despite the presence of the 808s, and Kanye ultimately suffered from this, Drake is never overwhelmed by the production, actually melding rather perfectly with it. It makes the lyrics, about saving a relationship, really come to life. To be honest, though, the chorus could have been fleshed out a bit more

After the so-so reaction to his first single "Over", Drake made a brilliant choice in releasing "Find Your Love". It is easily my favorite song from him so far, and it is a perfect crossover record. If there are some more songs like this on Thank Me Later, than it is certain to say that the hype actually has merit, and Drake might just be the future of both hip-hop and R&B.

Rating: 9 out of 10 (It's not out yet, but when it does, run, not walk, over to iTunes and download it. Then just leave it on repeat)

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