Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm Back....

After a pretty long, self-imposed hiatus, I can surely say that I am back to writing on Best, Worst, and UNbelievable!

I decided to take a break to get re-adjusted to life at college, but I found myself full of stuff I wanted to write (a lot happened since the end of January). Plus, this month marks the blog's two year anniversary, so it's a better time than never to begin writing again.

As a reminder, the blog's fancy new URL is If you haven't updated your bookmarks, you definitely should. If you have any questions, opinions about my posts, suggestions, or anything you would like to know, feel free to email me at I always look forward to hearing any kind of feedback.

To my readers who have kept with the blog, thank you SO much for your support, and it is truly great to be back!

Brandon Lewis

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