Friday, October 30, 2009

Adam Lambert Delivers The "Entertainment" With Debut Single

The American Idol runner-up sure knows how to stir things up!

Adam Lambert started off the week with controversy over his terrible album artwork, and is ending it with the release of his first single, titled "For Your Entertainment".

Luckily, the cover and the single inspired opposite reactions.

Fans of the flamboyant singer will not be disappointed at all; Adam is in top form with this track. "For Your Entertainment" is a high-glam electro stunner, which isn't unexpected from Adam considering his highly successful run on TV's biggest show. If the sonically sound production doesn't kick it off for you, there is always Adam's voice. Thankfully, he saves the histrionic vocal runs for the middle-eight, which elevates the song's drama. His delivery of the verses and the undeniable chorus is menacing, dangerous, and even a bit sexy.

Adam Lambert will surely divide many mainstream listeners with his gender-bending style, but there is no denying he is a pop star in the making, determined to entertain us.

With this song, he seems to be on the right track.

Rating: 8/10

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