Thursday, July 30, 2009

Slim Shady v. Mimi Part Four! Eminem Strikes Back at Mariah With Diss Track, and He Goes In!

So, Mariah Carey finally fought back against Eminem with her single and video "Obsessed" after years of him talking about her. Clearly, he wasn't amused, because now he is going after her and her husband Nick Cannon on the new diss track "Warning".

In the song, he goes after the diva full throttle, and as much a Mariah fan I am, I've got to admit, he slays her on this track. Like never before, he drops some serious bombs about his and Mariah's purported relationship. He gets pretty graphic, even recalling a time when they were together and he, erm, came early.

Yeah, gross. Too much information.

He continues to blow up her spot with various tidbits, but it gets really interesting when he drops this: "when me and Luis were trying to stick two CDs in the same slot". Luis is most like Latin singer Luis Miguel, who Mariah dated for a while in the early 90's. Now, he is either saying she was involved with both men at the same time, or that they had a threesome. Either way, it is totally over the line.

Of course, what most people will be talking about on Twitter is Mariah herself, on the track. Toward the end of the song, Eminem splices in clips of a woman (Mariah) apparently leaving a voicemail for him. Among other things, she says she loves him and she calls herself Mary Poppins. It's quite shocking to hear, and I haven't decided whether or not it's Mariah.

Eminem has really gone too far with this diss stuff. I mean, it's so juvenile, and it makes him so petty and quite pathetic. At the same time, Mariah would've been nuts not to think that he wasn't going to respond to "Obsessed" (and she can cut it; the song's about him and we all know it). Both need to chill themselves out.

That said, i would not be against Mariah going after Eminem, harder this time.

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