Saturday, August 23, 2008

Video Premiere: "Get Back" by Demi Lovato

Camp Rock star and Jonas Brothers touring buddy Demi Lovato premiered the music video for her new single "Get Back", from her upcoming album Don't Forget:

New York is a great backdrop for music videos, so I thought it was a smart choice to use it as the setting. That being said, I'm sure Disney could've been a little more creative. I mean, why couldn't she run around NYC or something? I mean, she's just singing on a stage. That's a concept they should've saved for later. This video doesn't really do much for her, although she does look very pretty.

She definitely has some pipes, moreso than any Disney queen ever (yes, I include Lindsay and Hilary in that wrap-up). It's just that their wasted on an oversaturated genre (teen pop/rock) and a really subpar song.It's, quite frankly, a blatant "S.O.S." rip-off. For someone who can actually sing well, she deserves better material (word of advice, don't let the Jonas Brothers write stuff for you ever again, Demi).

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