Thursday, August 21, 2008

UNBelievable! Dr. Phil Calls For Jonas Brothers/Hannah Montana Addicts!

Apparently, OJD (Obsessive Jonas Disorder, according to the fans) is a legitimate illness.

Enough so that Dr. Phil is calling for parents of children who are obsessed with the current album chart-toppers and Hannah Montana, both under the Disney umbrella. This is the official release:

Is your son or daughter obsessed with Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers?  Do they have posters ALL over their room?  Do you have to make sure you keep up with their latest releases because if not, your kid won't talk to you?  Are you worried their obsession is becoming TOO extreme?

If your son or daughter has an obsession, and you'd like Dr. Phil's help, send us an email today! Please only respond if you're willing to appear on national television.
It's ironic, because I was just thinking about writing a feature about the obsessive fans and haters. Now, I definitely will.

This actually seems like an interesting show topic. It would be even better if the Jonas Brothers and Miley were there to discuss it. I would definitely watch it!

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