Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm Back! Sort of.....

I couldn't stay away for too long, huh?

My self-imposed hiatus isn't exactly what I had planned. It turns out that I missed blogging terribly, and I ended up writing at least 10 posts in my head yesterday.

I am still not completely able to come back, but I will be making a post here and there. Ryan will still be my full replacement until at least June 20th.

While I had my day off yesterday, I put together the beginning of the BWU Website (now linked on the left). I haven't decided exactly what I will use it for, but it will definitely be used.

One new feature the website will house is the BWU HOT 25 Music Chart. Consider it a Hot 100, except by me.Every Thursday, I will update the chart and make a post about it. That is one of the guaranteed posts I will make. The link is also on the left side of the blog.

For those missing my Download of the Day posts, you can always go back to them through the "DOTD" label. If it's requested (either through commenting on this post or emailing, I will try and make one.

Thanks again for all of the support, and I hope you enjoy what my friend Ryan has to offer this blog for the next few weeks.

BTW: If you have a blog and you are interested in guest-posting on another blog, go on over to Ryan's blog and joing the Blog Carnival '08, starting up in July!


Brandon Lewis

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