Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Change of Hands...

So, while Brandon is out taking a little break, he has left his beloved blog to me. My name is Ryan and I run the blog "A Collision of Thoughts" and I'm one of Brandon's best friends. Now, I'm not per se into the whole media and celebrity scene, but I will do my best to keep you guys interested and coming back for more.

Anyways, I'm now taking suggestions: What would you guys like to see here? Leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do for you lot. In the event that I don't get any suggestions, you all well get a taste of the shows and movies that I enjoy. Brandon feels that you guys should get exposed to different ideas and content and trust me, it shall be quite the adventure.

I look forward to seeing where all of this goes.


Anonymous said...

i def kept coming back to see his music suggestions and news. his music tastes are/were almost exactly the same as mine....i checked out your page. you're kinda the exact opposite! ;) it's nice of you to try and keep things moving....good luck!

Ryan Mason said...

yea, I try to stay away from things that are too poppy - it tends to annoy me before long... I'm more or a techie than gossip junkie. But all I can do is try, plus the kid wants you all to read something a bit new. So yea, this should be interesting.
