Monday, May 26, 2008

My Favorite Scenes: "Circle of Life" from the Lion King

For many kids, The Lion King is one of the best movies ever. For teenagers, it is one of the corniest movies ever. For a teenager who tends to indulge in some childhood memories, The Lion King is cinematic genius.

It's quite enlightening to look back at a childhood pleasure through older, wiser eyes. You might find that something that appears rather hollow, is actually rooted in deeper significance. That's how I feel about The Lion King now.

Specifically, the opening scene. As a kid, I never paid much attention to it. It was pretty much about animals watching the birth of a lion. As a teenager, I now realize that scene's complexity, both in beauty and in meaning.

Kudos must be delivered to the entire production staff for that scene. Visually, its a masterpiece; the rich colors, the seamless animation, everything about it is fantastic. The song, "Circle of Life" is ridiculously perfect for the moments. It all comes together to make a splendid moment in cinema.

However, it is the subtext of that scene that truly gives it its wonder. The idea that so many different types of animals, from birds to giraffes, can come together for the celebration of one important moment is surprisingly relevant in today's world. Some of the animals are even predator and prey, yet they can put aside their differences for the greater good. It makes you think, "if animals can do it, why can't we?"

All of these elements make the Circle of Life opener to the Lion King easily the GREATEST moment in animated movie history.

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