Sunday, April 27, 2008

Download of the Day 4/27: "My Interpretation" by Mika

image Last week, I wrote about my discovery of the Lebanon-born UK singer/songwriter Mika. I also talked about how much of his music annoyed me because of the hyper-positiveness of songs like "Grace Kelly" and "Love Today". Well, I finally found a song I REALLY like of his.

"My Interpretation" is a simple guitar and piano pop song. It is miles away from his busier songs (which I am getting used to, BTW), and for me, that is a good thing. Sometimes, simplicity works out for the best. The seamless mix of a strumming guitar and the tickling of the piano allow the vocals to really shine through. That said, Mika has a really great voice. The enthusiasm with which he sings is reminiscent of Freddie Mercury, which is a very welcome addition to the music scene. Back to the song; the melody is very catchy. I found myself humming it out of nowhere, and not getting annoyed by it. That's a hard thing to do.

I think that Mika is one of those great international talents that has yet to break through in America for some unexplained reason. Hopefully, that will change really soon.

Rating: 8/10

Listen below:

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