Tuesday, April 29, 2008

American Idol Top 5 Recap: "Diamonds" in the Rough

Honestly, tonight bored me to tears, so I will make my recap short and sweet:

Jason Castro - Send him home. Both of his performances were like Nyquil. Maybe he figured he should just stop trying, since chances are, he was going home regardless. Let's put him out of his misery, huh?

David Cook - As usual, both performances were great. I preferred the last one, though. I liked how he changed around the arrangement to show off the vocals. Solid, solid, solid.

David Archuleta - So Little David put the ballads away, huh? Smart move, since he was beginning to box himself in one genre. Once again, solid vocals and smart song choices (Living in America = votes from Middle America)

Brooke White - Overall, better than last week. We began to see a little of the Brooke from the beginning, but I fear its a little too late for her now.

Syesha Mercado - Her second song continued the sassy, fun personality she cultivated last week. It was my favorite of the whole night, proving she deserves a top 3 slot.

Who's Going Home? - Jason Castro

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