Sunday, March 23, 2008

You HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!! Kimora's Plans for Deceased Dog!!

image This has to be one of the sickest things I have EVER heard of!

Kimora Lee Simmons just showed she has lost her goddamn mind when she revealed her plans for her dead dog. She plans to turn him into JEWELLRY! Yes, people. J-E-W-E-L-L-R-Y! She is turning her precious dog into freakin' necklaces and bracelets and earrings!

Here are HER words:

There is a company that makes diamonds out of your loved ones. [They] make diamonds from a little of the carbon from the ash, so I might do that. I might turn her into a diamond.

She is INSANE! I mean, I guess Harry Winston is bit overrated, but really? You want to wear your incinerated dog on you, Kimora?

Russell, you better your ex-wife some therapy, STAT! Oh, and take the kids with you!

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