Thursday, March 20, 2008

Best and Worst of the iTunes Chart 3/20

Lil Wayne's Lollipop at #2 - I don't know why the hell this song is #2 at all. At least there is a great distance between this trash and "Bleeding Love". If you haven't bought it yet, please, save your cash. Rating: 3/10

Lil Mama's Shawty Get Loose at #3 -
Apart of me believes I shouldn't like this song, but I actually do. I think Chris Brown saves this song from the same thing that made me dislike the hyper -annoying "Lip Gloss". Also, Lil Mama sounds a little less like a petulant child and more like a confident young woman who knows her way around a mic. Rating 6.5/10

Chris Brown's With You at #13 -
Surprisingly, I haven't reviewed this song yet, and now, it's currently slipping down the chart. This is one of, if not the, best song he has ever put out. Its romantic without being sleazy, the guitar in the background (a la Irreplacable) is a great addition, and his voice is at its strongest and most versatile. More so that "Kiss Kiss" or "Run It", this song deserved the #1 spot that Flo Rida kept from him for so long. Rating 8/10

Gnarls Barkley's Going On at #22 -
Too little fanfare, Gnarls Barkley released their latest album, The Odd Couple. The most popular song is this one, and really really like this song. It's very funky, much like Outkast's Hey Ya. No one can ever call these two boring, and neither is this song! Rating: 7.5/10

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