Tuesday, March 18, 2008

American Idol Top 11 Recap: A Country Hoedown?


I thought last week was the Grand Ole Opry, but damn!


David Archuleta - He's back! Look at my previous post.

Syesha Mercado - I thought the judges undersold it. Her performance was amazing, and as Paula said, very vulnerable. I loved it.

Carly Smithson - It may have been about black birds, but I thought her performance was very uplifting, especially in the rising vocals throughout the song

Amanda Overmyer - I really liked this performance. It was very bluesy and cool. Another solid showing from Amanda.

David Cook - What the hell was Simon talking about? I really, really liked this. It was almost as good as last week and "Hello" from two weeks ago. He continues to be one of the more innovative contestants.


Kristy Lee Cook - Seriously, can she just go home already?

Michael Johns - It wasn't terrible, per se. It was simply all over the place and not very enjoyable.

Chikezie - I think he took the judge's comments WAY too far!

Brooke White - Babbling Brooke! In all seriousness, she hit the nail on the head. It simply wasn't her at all.

Ramiele Mulabay - It was a very safe performance, but I have to giver props for trying something different.

Jason Castro - There is a Girls Aloud song called "Can't Speak French". That should be his theme song.

Who's Going Home: Kristy Lee Cook (PLEASE!!)

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