Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American Idol Top 10 Recap: Shifting Ground

This week's American Idol was actually one of the best so far. There was no one truly bad, so instead of doing best and worst, I'll just go through each one and analyze them.

David Cook with "Billie Jean" - It was absolute genius. Seriously, doing Michael Jackson is risky. Doing 80s Michael Jackson is almost suicide. However, like a smart artist would, he turned the pop masterclass into an emo-style rock power ballad. It was awesome. Then there was the minute-long mega note. He just secured a top three position with that performance. Best of the Night.

David Archuleta with "You're The Voice" - Bless David A's heart, but that was the corniest performance ever. Don't get me wrong, it was great vocally. That's not surprising. What was surprising was how much it should've been at Disney World with Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto dancing with him. It was the wrong song choice.

Chikezie with "If Only For One Night" - I was so bored I couldn't believe it. First off, singing Luther isn't a good choice, especially if you're not doing anything with it. It wasn't impressive, and I wasn't trying to fall asleep.

Kristy Lee Cook with "God Bless The USA" - That sneaky bleep. She made the second smartest song choice of the night with the Lee Greenwood classic. She didn't sing out of true patriotism. She knew all the Middle America fans who vote for her would love it. She's not going anywhere tomorrow, unfortunately.

Syesha Mercado with "If I Were Your Woman" - She was amazing tonight. Vocally, it was pitch-perfect. She sounded like a confident AI diva, and like Simon said, it was her defining performance.

Michael Johns with "We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions" - I didn't really care for it, actually. There are times when it was really sharp and pitchy, and I love Queen. He really has yet to find a good song for him, which is NOT a good thing.

Jason Castro - I detest Simon's suggestion that Jason isn't taking the contest seriously. Granted the performance was a bit blah, I think all of them take this seriously. Asshole.

Ramiele Mulabay with "Alone" - Whenever I think of this song on AI, I think of Carrie Underwood in Season 5. This song helped solidify her as the winner for me. Unfortunately, it didn't work for Ramiele. I liked it for what it was, considering that she was sick, but the judges gave her lukewarm reception. I love the girl to bits, but I think she may go home.

Brooke White with "Every Breath You Take" - Brooke made the same mistake David did with "Another Day in Paradise" a while back. She should've forgone the band and played it straight with the piano. Regardless, my Brooke is back.

Carly Smithson with "Total Eclipse of the Heart" - The end note 9a la Celine) was a big honking mess, but the rest was pretty good. It was a few steps down from last week, but still pretty good for me, anyway.

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