Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Best Bits from the Glee Season Finale

Last night, Glee pulled the curtain on what I consider an uneven second season, with the New Directions heading to New York City to compete in Nationals. After viewing and re-viewing the episode, here are my top moments from the season finale:

Glee, Cory Monteith, Lea Michele
Finn wows Rachel with a classic
New York date
Finn and Rachel finally "get it right" - They have been dancing around each other for months, with an absolutely wicked (in a bad way) detour with Quinn thrown in for good measure. But Glee's star-crossed lovers Finn and Rachel finally reunited, albeit temporary, as Rachel assured Finn that she would leave Ohio to pursue her dreams in New York. Still, Finchel fans will surely consider this a landmark episode, one where Finn finally fought for his girl, wining and dining her in Central Park, and kissing her twice, once after their duet "Pretending" and again on the floor of the library. Here's to hoping that they will keep it right through Season 3 (serious Ryan Murphy, don't break them up again, at least not until the season finale).

"I Love New York/New York, New York" mashup - Of all of the mash-ups that Glee did this season, this was by far their best. It was fun, funky, spunky, and just all-around fun, and the fusion of the Madonna track and the standard classic was a stroke of genius. Plus, there is no better backdrop than the streets of the Big Apple.

Rachel and Kurt Singing "For Good" - It's official; Rachel and Kurt account for two of the top five music moments of this season. Their performance of the Wicked closing number was an emotionally resonant, flawless showstopper that put their two Nationals numbers to shame. Maybe if they performed this there instead of in an empty theater, New Directions would have won.

Kurt and Blaine's Catch-Up - I think I speak for everyone when I say that Blaine is the best addition to a television show in ages. So, seeing him was a treat, even though he was just staring dreamily at Kurt. The "I love you" totally came out of nowhere, but it seemed very natural and another perfect moment for the little couple that can.

Santana's Spanish Rant - It was only a few seconds, but seeing Santana scream at Finn and Rachel in Spanish was literally the greatest thing ever. The best part? We finally know about the "wrong side of the tracks" that Santana goes on about. I would cross "Lima Heights Adjacent" off the tourism list.

The Sam/Mercedes Surprise - Ryan Murphy hinted at a new couple, but who would've thought Sam and Mercedes? It does make sense, though; maybe they got closer after the prom on a budget date? Still, it was very cute, seeing them try to hide it from Blaine and Kurt.

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