Monday, February 15, 2010

Jedward's "Under Pressure": It's So Terrible, It's Actually Offensive

[image] I didn't give a damn about X Factor gruesome twosome John and Edward (a.k.a. Jedward) getting a #2 hit with "Under Pressure", because I knew that it was a television-led farce that would die out quickly.

Then I checked out Mediabase radio stats, and guess what I found, sitting pretty at #79 with 59 spins on US radio?

Jedward's "Under Pressure".

Absolutely shocked, I watched their music video and I realized that its actually more hideous than I had imagined. They took an iconic good song, fused it with iconic bad song, laid down some subpar vocals, and threw in the ultimate one-hit wonder for shits and giggles. The result is such an unimaginable stain on the face of current pop music that, if I didn't know they were serious, would seem like a parody of pop rap. Unfortunately, the inflated egos they gained through their X Factor success probably made them think this was acceptable to release, when it should've never left the studio. Actually, scratch that. It should've never been recorded on tape or computer or whatever used.

If you have strong constitutions, than check out the video:

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