If there is one pop culture phenomenon that has completely gone over my head, its the Twilight series. I never read the books, I never saw the movie, and I did not buy into the overnight celebrity and tabloid craze of its stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Well, after months of befuddlement over the Twilight obsession, I decided to buckle down and watch the movie this past weekend. Without getting into a full movie review (it would be kind of pointless, since it came out last year), here are some things I noticed/gathered about this film:
- Even though, in real life, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (especially her) annoy the crap out of me, they actually have some chemistry on screen.
- That said, their characters Edward and Bella, are ridiculously dull, and I frankly cannot imagine how FOUR books were based around them.
- I understand that the book is 500 pages, so maybe it was lost in translation, but their love story is completely rushed. I mean, one minute he can't stand her, the next they're all awkward, and then they're head over heels? I know its primarily a teen book, but that is still too far out of the realm for anyone.
- The Cullen family scenes were my favorite scenes, especially the one where they first meet Bella at their amazing elevated house in the middle of nowhere. If the movie was based around them, and not Edward and Bella, I could've gotten into this movie a long time ago. I find Rosalie and Jasper the most interesting of the family.
- Another focus I would've preferred; the whole "vegetarian" aspect of the Cullen family's life. I mean, how did vampires find the self-control to not suck the blood of every single person at that stupid school? They alluded to it with the Edward/Bella story, but it wasn't enough.
- Another rushed thing was the whole tracker vampire thing with James. I didn't enjoy ANY of that part at all. There was virtually no buildup, and the whole "kill Bella to stick it to the Cullens" was shallow, at best.
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