Monday, January 19, 2009

All My Children's Unabortion Storyline Receives Merciful End

In 2006, the writers of ABC soap All My Children shattered the show's nearly four decade history in a universally panned storyline that mocked both the genre and science. They revealed that Josh Madden, played by Collin Egglesfield, was actually thought-to-be aborted fetus of the legendary Erica Kane and her first husband Jeff Martin.

Yes, thought-to-be aborted fetus.

Three years later, a new team have decided that the character has finished his time in Pine Valley and they are killing him off. However, his death won't be in vain. He will be saving his comatose sister Kendall (Alicia Minshew is returning from a long vacation) with his heart.

My only regret regarding this story is that it wasted the talents of Egglesfield, who surely deserved to be more than a scientifically impossible experiment. Yet, I'm glad that we all can officially forget this massive ink blot that was his time on AMC

Here are his death scenes (including a surprisingly quiet performance from the brilliant Susan Lucci):

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