Sunday, July 27, 2008

Blog Carnival Post: "iPhone: Day Two" by Wilbert Smith

This is my 500TH POST!

And its about someone else.

Anyway, the Blog Carnival started by my best friend Ryan Mason began this week. The Blog Carnival was meant to share other bloggers' opinion and help promote each other's work.

The first "event" of the Blog Carnival is starting with me, I guess. Wilbert Smith of has written about his new iPhone (lucky bastard). He also provides some serious advice to help those with iPhones. Check it out below:

Link to iPhone: day one:

My second day of iPhone ownership has been even better than the first. I really can’t go into depth about the wi-fi too much, as it really sucks in this area. The only thing I don’t like too much is that you can’t use another app while video is running, or else it will pause. I used this morning to clean up my contacts list, as it was an absolute mess (which is my fault, I didn’t organize a damned thing), which left it looking fantastic and easily navigated. Since I use a Mac, the iPhone seemed extra eager to sync everything with it.

I have two primary email accounts, and all I had to do was tweak the push settings to my satisfaction. My calendar is easily understood, and the map application is surprisingly accurate, with the GPS updating with each of my steps. With business handled, it’s time to discuss fun. Since I’d like to hold onto what little money I have left, I was elated to see that iTunes had a mélange of free apps that I could use for my entertainment, the most frequently used being Facebook and AIM. Of course, EDGE isn’t really that fast, but I don’t find it frustratingly slow, and it’s quite speedy with 3G turned on, though it will eat into your battery life. Though fun and lengthy battery life don’t quite go hand in hand, if you do have an iPhone, here are a few suggestions to increase your battery life:

1. Turn the brightness down. I tend to keep mine pretty low, anyway, so it isn’t a problem for me.
2. If you’re using EDGE (or your carrier’s internet), turn wi-fi off.
3. Turn 3G off if you’re using wi-fi, or even if you’re not. The Internet will still work, relax.
4. Turn Location Services off. GPS following your every step is fun, but really bad for your battery.

More to come!

Are you interested in blogging in the Blog Carnival? Email Ryan Mason at for details!

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