Monday, June 2, 2008

UNBelievable! Tatum O'Neal's Drug Bust Excuse

Now, THIS is rich!

According to reports, Tatum O'Neal, who won an Oscar at age 10 for her role in Paper Moon, had a reason for carrying cocaine on her when she was arrested by cops.

"I'm researching a part - I'm doing this for a part".

O'Neal has an extensive drug history, all detailed in her 2004 autobiography, A Paper Life. She has claimed sobriety for the past few years, and has re-entered the acting field as well. Some of her most recent appearances include Sex and the City and Rescue Me.

She was released without bail this morning from jail.

Seriously, a role is why you're carrying around crack? Hell, if that's the case, the Amy must be ready for that Oscar!

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