Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Download of the Day 4/30: Madonna's Devil Wouldn't Recognize You

image I am going to be honest: Madonna's album is pretty disappointing.

I'll go more into that in the future, but now, I want to highlight one of the best tracks off the album you HAVE to download if nothing else.

"Devil Wouldn't Recognize You" is very similar to songs like "Bedtime Story", "Power of Goodbye" or "Frozen". The song takes Madonna back to electronica and Middle Eastern sounds she experimented with in the late 90's. It's because of this that "Devil" is the most distinctive song on Hard Candy. There are many songs on the record I could see others singing, better. This song, like all of Madonna's best, are completely tailor-made for her and anyone else doing these songs would just be sub-par.

Madonna is known for her innovation and her ability to change her style while maintaining her essence. I was afraid that Hard Candy would mark a change in that pattern, but this song definitely puts those concerns to rest.

Rating: 9/10

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