Monday, January 18, 2010

Gamers Unite! Play Halo 3 Wednesday and Thursday and Bungie Will Donate to Haiti Relief

Some people will argue that some of the most disconnected people from society are those who play video games. Well, Bungie, the brains behind the hugely popular Xbox franchise Halo, is aiming to prove them wrong.

The company announced today that they will be holding a two-day online gaming event to support those suffering after the Haitian earthquake of last week. Bungie said that for every 1,000 players of either Halo 3 or Halo 3: ODST, the company will donate $100, potentially totaling $77,000, to the Red Cross for Haiti campaign. The only caveat is players have to change their emblem to have a red heart and a white circle, as seen below:
For those who can't make a monetary donation, and have an Xbox (or knows someone who does), this is a great (and fun) way to help those in Haiti. I will certainly be one of those fighting for the lives of those in need.

Remember, the two day event starts Wednesday!

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