Thursday, June 19, 2008

Song Review: Jonas Brothers' "Burnin' Up"

I never thought it was possible.

Here's the deal; I actually want to like the Jonas Brothers. They are obviously talented, they seem like nice, down-to-earth guys, and then there is the Nick Jonas diabetes connection. Unfortunately, I haven't like anything they've done. "SOS" and "Hold On" were annoying as hell and "When You Look Me In The Eyes"was beyond schmaltzy to the point of nausea. I previewed their platinum album and found nothing worth noting.

Now, I am someone who searches every avenue before writing something off as either unwatchable or unlistenable, so when I heard they were releasing a new single "Burnin' Up", I decided to wait for its release before I made my final judgment.

Admittedly, this song had a lot going against it. The last hit single titled "Burning Up" was Madonna in the 80s. Then there is the fact that the video is premiering after the premiere of "Camp Rock", which instantly threw up the "Disney pop" alert. I decided to push those stigmas aside and listen to the single. It premiered on Radio Disney today at 7:15pm EST. I missed it, but I guess those Jonas-crazed fans are pretty tech-saavy, because with a little digging, I found the song. I listened to it three times, checking for my criteria of a good song.

So, my verdict?

This is the first Jonas Brothers song I don't hate.

Let's start with the lyrics. I was honestly surprised to hear that the Jonas Brothers have grown as lyricists. The chorus is a clever metaphor, yet easy to quote ("I'm slippin' into the lava, and I'm trying to keep from going under"). I've always believed a good song never states its intentions out loud; make us think about the words. It's a large step up from the elementary lyrics of "S.O.S." and at least 20 steps up from any Disney-related song (We Rock and We're All In This Together come to mind)

Score one point for JB.

Next, there is the vocals. I am pleased to say that listening to Nick Jonas sing doesn't make me shudder in annoyance and a sliver of disgust. It sill bugs me, but his voice has gotten stronger, and that extremely annoying tone in his voice is beginning to soften. Joe also sounds good as well. Really, this is a lot to admit because less than six months ago, I couldn't even to listen to "S.O.S."

Another point for the three brothers.

The music itself. Again, the guys are growing past the teen-pop/rock sound of their last record to a more radio-friendly (and Brandon-friendly) sound. Yet, I can still see the Radio Disney appeal. The song is more melodic than their past uptempo songs, yet the guitar keeps it from entering the 1990s boyband era. I can actually see myself humming the tune when I am walking somewhere. It's not bad at all.

Another point for Jonas.

It's clear to see that the Jonas Brothers have grown since their last record. How could they not have? In that time, they've appeared on tons of TV shows, gone platinum, sold out concerts across America and Europe, and even starred in their own TV movie. What most impresses me about this song and them is that, despite all of the Disney support, they are not letting it prohibit them as artists. Is "Burnin' Up" amazing? No. Is it great? I wouldn't go that far either.

Is it a step in the right direction for the brothers? Yes.

If they keep growing musically, they may keep "burnin' up" the charts for a few more years.

So, I give Jonas Brothers' "Burnin' Up" the Brandon Lewis Seal of Approval.

Rating: 7/10

P.S. They should release an acoustic version of this song; I know it would be even better.

P.S.S. The single cover is HORRENDOUS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with your analysis. It's discouraging that two of them are already legal adults and yet this is the most mature single they have released, but tiny steps in the right direction are better than large steps in the wrong.

PSS. I really hate cover too. What is up with the scarf? Do they even know what irony is?
