Friday, May 23, 2008

Download of the Day 5/23: Can't B Good by Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson claimed that Discipline would be a return to form, and with her 4th single, she finally be making good on that promise.

After the lukewarm receptions of her last three singles (although Feedback did break the Top 20), she is pulling out the 4th, the slow-burning "Can't B Good". The ballad is reminiscent of old-school Janet, when she hit #1 with "That's The Way Love Goes". Its a slow groove, something you can slow dance to, and its been awhile since she's released something like that. I don't why, because she excels in this format. Her voice, breathy and smooth, sounds excellent against the soft beat in the back.

She better promote the hell out of this song, because it could possibly save the sinking ship that is her record.

Rating: 7/10

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